DescriptionHigh quality electric industrial steel roller shutter using a thicker guage curtain slat in a 20swg curtain. The Traditional build if primarily for an internal face fit application which is most commercial buildings, especially as a steel frame construction.
A more powerful three phase motor ensures the smooth operation on the largest sizes for this door and means you can perform more operations per day than a single phase motor. (exact details on request)
Medium to higher use, high quality, industrial build and commercial specification roller shutter door using a three phase 415V chain drive industrial GfA electric motor for operation.
Direct drive 415V motor roller doors are only available with an outboard set up so ensure you have the sideroom where the motor will be situated.
The single skin steel galvanised curtain is using a 75mm scrolled lath in a standard 20 guage steel to enable higher sizes without the concerns of slat deflection, a problem often seen in cheaper low quality roller door curtains affecting operation eventually.
The guides and endplates are also in galvanised steel.
ApplicationTypical use would be on a larger warehouse or workshop or factory where there are maybe 10 - 20 operations an hour or less. Our 20 guage model offers the larger height options. This roller shutter door includes an emergency manual override system as standard, with a chain pulley override integrated with the motor on the same side.
Direct drive three phase motors offer the potential for an upgrade to high usage motors if required with even 24 hour use possible. Please call or email for prices and details.
SpecificationThis industrial traditional build roller shutter uses a 20 guage galvanised steel single skin curtain, available in various colour finish options. Galvanised steel as standard.
The electric direct drive three phase GfA 415V electric motor can be controlled by various methods:
The most basic method is an internal wall mounted push button station with a hold to run logic. You stand and hold the button firm for the duration of the opening or closing cycle and this way no safety edge or beam systems are legally required keeping the costs to a minimum.
Of course you must be able to enter the building via another door for this method.
The second option is a wall mounted control panel which can be programmed to have an impulse operation meaning you simply push the up or down button momentarily and the door will auto operate and has safety edge detection built in with the bottom T rail section to stop if an obstacle is met.
The third option is the same as option 2 above but with the addition of remote control handsets and we supply 2 handsets as standard, but you can have as many as you need. The safety system is still in place to prevent closure onto an obstacle. If the door is adjacent to any public pathway or road we suggest additional safety with infra red beams to further enhance the safety.
This roller door is available with the curtain prefinished in either a powdercoat finish which would be the same colour each side of the slat, or it is available in a plastisol coated external finish, which has a standard off white internal paint finish.
As totally standard and used by many people, depending on the roller door location, you can have the steel curtain in its natural galvanised steel finish.
We can offer the door in special colours other than the ones showing in our online shop options and of course you can mix and match the guides, hood cover and curtain if required, please email or call for details and prices.
ALL SeceuroDoor roller doors are:
- CE or UKCA marked. Purchasing any product for commercial use requires full compliance with UK regulations. Approved LPCB products also available.
- Manufactured within an ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified UK company
- Made to measure as standard for a perfect fit
- Using the highest quality components and electric motor drives
MeasureThe measuring, pricing and ordering dimensions for any electric roller shutter door with an industrial electric motor drive is by the OPENING WIDTH and GUIDE HEIGHT excluding the guides for the width and endplates for the height. See measuring diagram below.
This is regardless of whether it is a single or three phase electric motor system.
OPENING WIDTH inbetween guides = Ordering Width
GUIDE HEIGHT with endplates excluded = Ordering Height
The overall width at high level where the endplates are fitted will be wider than the overall guide width and can be wider still, depending on the choice of inboard or outboard motor set up.
The electric motor side with an outboard motor required more side room than the non motor side at endplate level.
Chain drive or direct drive motor choice will vary the width required for the motor.
The emergency manual override included as standard is the same side as the motor internally and is accessed directly underneath the endplate. Other positions are available on request.
The endplate size will vary depending on the door model and height and therefore the size of the curtain roll when fully opened and rolled up.
The Traditional build roller shutter door uses steel guides and angle profiles for installation which can all be specified to suit different installation requirements.
Face Fit - Behind the Opening (recommended for Traditional build industrial doors)
Most industrial roller shutter doors are installed to the inside face of the aperture and in a perfect scenario your daylight opening dimensions are the inbetween guides and underneath end plate dimensions, bearing in mind ANY roller shutter will always have a ‘hangdown’ when opened fully making the final drive through slightly less than the height of the guides. This is normal and varies on different models depending on the curtain specification. If your opening drive through height is critical speak to us first to determining the best height to order.
Reveal Fit - Inbetween the Opening
Some roller shutter doors are installed inbetween the aperture and this is where the electric tube motor roller door arrangement is best used, as all components are inboard from the ordering dimensions. You can install ANY roller shutter door inbetween an opening, but industrial motor driven models require some additional steel work to make them fit inbetween properly.
Traditional Build Industrial Motor Driven Arrangement and Ordering Dimensions
(showing outboard direct drive motor arrangement)