Garage and Front Entrance Doors

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Garage Door Types

A garage door is an undervalued feature of many homes, often only replaced when an existing  door that came with the house is broken into or damaged beyond repair. A modern garage door with the security and technical features of modern day can increase the protection, aesthetics, insulation and more importantly, the price of your home. With long guarantee's, the right choice and styles can suit your needs with the most popular models being listed below. 

Up and Over GarageDoors Sectional Garage Doors Roller Garage Doors Side Hinged Garage Doors Personnel Doors Entrance Doors

Up & Over Garage Doors

Up and Over Garage DoorsUp & Over Garage Doors  Timber Up and Over Garage Door

An Up & Over Door is the most common door still in the UK and often the least expensive. Every up and over door is either constructed from timber, steel or GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester), with two opening mechanisms, canopy and retractable gear. They are available in single and double width sizes, standard or purpose made sizes for most styles.

Canopy Gear

This is the most simple mechanism for an Up & Over garage door, it is a door panel attached only to the guide rails on either side of the door sub frame. When lifted, the door is raised up and protrudes out, much like a canopy. The mechanism has no intrusion into the opening width, so will provide the maximum drivethrough width when opened. A Canopy door can be automated using a standard boom type electric operator, but needs the addition of a canopy bow arm converter in order to work.

Retractable Gear

This method fully retracts the door panel inside the garage, making the opening to the garage have no protrusions from the door itself. It contains a framework system which is attached to the door frame and a track for the door rollers to guide the door back. This is the better option for having an automatic electric door mechanism. With a retractable gear, it can lift heavier loads for larger garage door sizes to be used, without the use of cables. Retractable operating gear is used on most up and over doors over 8 feet wide and is the only mechanism choice on double doors.

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Sectional Garage Doors

Sectional Garage DoorsAnthracite Sectional GarageDoor  White Sectional Garage Door

A Sectional Garage Door is becoming an increasingly more popular choice in the UK for a garage door that has fantastic utility and visually different to anything in their neighbourhood. With multiple hinged sections, when opening the door panels follow along a rail to change its shape and open fully. The sectional garage door will offer great levels of weathesealing as well as very good insulaton with the 42mm or 67mm thick double skin, foam filled panels.

The vertical operation means you can park directly in front or behind the door and still operate the door. No swing out during operation. The tracking whish guides the panels up and over also are higher inside so the opened door will not be intrusive like a one piece up and over door

Sectional doors come in two primary designs but there are many variations in the front surface finish and also derived patterns or printing possible on the outside to simulate designs or woodgrain finishes.

Horizontal Ribbed

Models which have linear indentations to provide an organised appearance with a design flowing from top to bottom. With a basic design, they are a good choice for simple modern sleek appearances to match a home. Designs include:

Large Ribbed / L - Ribbed / Solid -  No design on the panels and the lines coming from the split between each panel

Medium Ribbed / M - Ribbed / Centre Ribbed -  1 horizontal line per panel, which on a standard height door means 7 lines in total including the panel divisions

Small Ribbed / S - Ribbed / Standard Ribbed -  3 horizontal lines per pane,l which on a standard height door manes 15 lines in total including the panel divisions

Georgian Panelled

Various models which have indented panel sections providing a raied and filded panel design, allowing the door to appear more symmetrical. This door can include the addition of windowed sections to let natural light into the garage. Different manufacturers have different size panels mainly on the width, varying between very oblong and almost square.


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Roller Shutter Garage Doors

Anthracite Roller Garage Door  White Roller Garage DoorWoodgrain Roller Shutter Garage Door

Compact with Vertical Operation

Roller garage doors  are very popular in the UK and Samson offer a steel, single skin range and an aluminium, double skin range, to suit all budgets and requirements.
Compact and minimal space requirements and a choice of manual or electric operation. With a finely selected range of high quality roller shutter garage doors that meet the strictest safety requirements, a roller shutter is on the the simplest and easiest garage doors to operate. Huge choice of pre finished colours and every door is made to measure as standard. Our Samson SRD77 electric insulated roller doors can be specified with your choice of controls within our online shop, whether that is remote control or just a button or key switch operation.

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Side Hinged Garage Doors

Insulated Side Hinged Garage DoorsInsulated Side Hinged Garage DoorsSide Hinged garage doors with Windows from Samson Doors 

Ease of access

Side-Hinged Doors are a great solution and gaining popularity again in the UK as less people use their garages for parking a vehicle now. Extra space inside the garage with no internal mechanism and bypass obstacles such as ceiling beams in the garage. Being able to open inwards or outwards, perfect for those who use the garage on foot or not used to house a vehicle often. Perfect for converted garages, such as a workshop, office or gym.

With Side-Hinged Doors, only one side of the door needs to be open, leaving it to be used as a doorway, making it easy to store items in such as bicycles and garden utilities. The doors can also be made into 1/3rd and 2/3rd split. Available as single or double skinned panels in many steel designs and finishes.

With our newest range of insulated double skinned steel Side-Hinged Doors, all are made to order and include pre fitted aluminium fixing sub frames amd furniture for the easiest installation on site. These doors have double rebated edges with built in rubber seals and offer the highest levels of weather protection for your garage. Our insulated double skin steel doors offer great levels of security and overall weather protection and insulation.

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Garage personnel doors

Personnel doors for your garagePersonnel doors from Samson DoorsPersonnel doors from Samson Doors 

Alternate access

Personnel / Pedestrain doors are offered in a range of steel and timber for use on either a garage or any other part the outside to a building. All steel doors have a prefitted steel or aluminium fixing sub frame ready for easy on-site installation. Steel Doors are in either single skin or double skin construction, offering excellent levels of insulation and security against forced entry.

The traditional timber pedestrian door we offer are manufactured using traditional methods and the highest quality timber, including Cedawood, Idigbo or Accoya. 

The sub frames are optional, available in different sizes with factory assembly when ordered so the door is delivered with all the hinges and finishing taken care of. The doors are available in some standard sizes but most are available as purposely made doors for a perfect fit, optimising the passage width and height of a door opening. 

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Front Entrance doors

Personnel doors for your garagePersonnel doors from Samson Doors  Personnel doors from Samson Doors

Make an Entrance

With the latest front entrance door ranges for your home from Hormann. These doors are available in Aluminium or Steel, the ThermoSafe, ThermoCarbon and Thermo doorsets offer a wide range of designs and finishes to turn any house into a home. With the highest grade security and insulation levels, you will be sure to find something to match your home in a pleasing visual way.

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