Steel Doorset Delivery Times
All steel doorsets offered by Samson Doors are made to measure to exacting standards mainly because they are all certified and compliant for their intended purpose. We do NOT offer doors which have been cut from standard panels and rejiggged and cannot offer compliant certification.
Many of the higher specification doors are extremely heavy and most doors are completely factory assembled including the outer sub frame and all hardware so offloading and handling can be challenging. Be aware assistance is always required on delivery and sometimes specialised lifting equipment may be required.
Delivery times can vary throughout the year so the below times are very general.
Hormann - Domestic Pedestrian Doors and Commercial doors
we regret that Hormann are currently unable to deliver to any DG postcode
Up to 12 weeks from order
Samson - ALL models
Up to6 weeks from point of order
Robust - Steel Doorsets
6 - 10 weeks from point of order
Metador - Steel Doorsets
Up to 5 weeks from point of order
Teckentrup - Steel Doorsets
Up to 8 weeks from point of order
Up to 8 weeks from point of order