Hormann TOP Aluminium Entrance Doors

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Hormann Aluminium Entrance Doors

ThermoSafe front entrance door and side lightsThe Hormann Aluminium Entrance Doors are precision engineered top quality front doors for your home which can be customised in any way possible to suit your personal tastes. When only the best will do these are the entrance doors to look at.

The Hormann range of aluminium entrance doors are available in 4 different high quality versions - TopComfort, ThermoCarbon, ThermoSafe and Thermo65. Each version varies in appearance, levels of security, thermal insulation values and more all depending on individual requirements.
The TopComfort models offer a basic specification (by German standards!) but also some unique features when applicable to an installation.

All entrance doors are made to measure to your exact structural opening size. There are no standard size entrance doors sitting on the shelves waiting to be picked, you specify to order.
The sizes of these doors always refer to the overall door and frame size for ordering purposes, the doors always have a precisely fitted aluminium sub fixing frame fitted from the factory with a bottom threshold with the very lowest possible height for the cleanest, trip free access.

Hormann Aluminium Entrance DoorAny RAL colour is available to choose from on most door models. The exterior can be different to any combination of colours inside and out for the door panel AND frame giving you additional creative freedom.

There is always a choice of glazing options on all glazed door styles with extensive options in the type of actual glass used including triple glazing.

There is an extensively wide range of handle options for inside and out on all models. These door handles range from long, vertical steel bar handles to the traditional British horizontal door handle.

Higher levels of security locking as standard over most other entrance doors available and the locking is integrated into the door panel during construction and is not an add on after panel construction.

Very low threshold for ease of access as standard with double weather seal built in.

Concealed hinges as standard on the Prestige PLUS offering very smooth, easy operation

Precision engineered components ensure a super tight seal around all sides giving top levels of insulation.

Standard locking is the H5 automatic locking system that always ensures the door is locked to a good level when the door is closed, a turn of the key will deadlock the latches. 5 point locking is standard, 9 point optional and the ‘Comfort Locking’ system offers electric driven unlocking by means of several optional access control systems. i.e. finger reader, keypad, etc

Front Entrance Doors Overview >




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Huge range of top transoms and side elements all made to order with glazing options.

To summarise, the range of aluminium entrance doors are made exclusively for your unique order. Whether you are an architect, designer or homeowner, a Hormann Aluminium front entrance door for the home.

See examples of matching front entrance doors with garage doors >


Hormann Aluminium Front Entrance Door Designs


ThermoSafe Range:

household white front door with stripes

hormann crescent door in white

style 65 house door with toughened glass and heat insulation

hormann front entrance door with inside white mastercarre mastercarré

hormann front modern door with a range of different handles

front household door with matt appearance on exterior

front white door with clear laminated glass on exterior

partial matt stripes on exterior of house door

Style 40 Style 45 Style 65 Style 75 Style 110 Style 136 Style 140 Style 166

home entrance door with stainless steel bottom section

hormann front entrance door style 177 with thermal insulation glass and horizontal squares

plain white front door with horizontal rectangle shape

hormann style 188 housed oor with curved design and handle

hormann front entrance door traditional style with genuine fluted glass

entrance door for household with madras silk inside

exterior door for home with fluted glass squares

hormann front door TC TP TPP with solid aluminium infill

Style 173 Style 177 Style 185 Style 188 Style 402 Style 413 Style 449 Style 551

samson doors front door with clear stripes and coloured plastics and futuristic handle

hormann home door style 553 Top comfort top prestige top prestige plus

TP TPP front door with white powder coat and exterior laminated safety glass

hormann door with solid infills and grooves

white front door

hormann home front door with horizontal with Antelio silver exterior

Style 552 Style 553 Style 554 Style 555 Style 556 Style 557 Style 558 Style 686

hormann style 650 with clear laminated safety glass outside

hormann house door with sand-blasted stripes

handle Ho 900 on style 667 door powder coated in RAL 9016

house door powder coated in RAL 9016 white with cut ornamentation

hormann front entrance door style 680 with thermal insulation glass  

Style 559

Style 560 Style 650 Style 659 Style 667 Style 675 Style 680  
hormann front entrance door with style 689 in RAL 9016 white hormann household door with 3 horizontal grooves in the panel infill. hormann front door with crossed panel design white front door with sand-blasted interior front door style 860 with solid aluminium infill home front door with 7 horizontal stripes    

Style 689

Style 693 Style 694 Style 697 Style 860 Style 861    
ThermoCarbon Range:



Style 300 Style 301 Style 302 Style 304 Style 305 Style 306 Style 308 Style 310



Style 311

Style 312 Style 314 Style 650 Style 680 Style 686 Style 860  

Click here to download the pdf colour brochure: 

High security hormann entrance doorsSecurity

The first thing people seek when selecting a new entrance door is the security it offers. When it comes to security, you can trust the high quality of Hörmann entrance doors – the H-5-Automatic special security pivoting bolt lock incorporated as standard provides your home with quality-tested protection. When locking, 3 steel bolts with 2 additional hooks pivot into the stainless steel lock plates. Included in this, a stainless steel bolt on the hinge side engages with the fascia frame. This way, you can feel thoroughly secure with the compelling 6-point locking system.

Graduated higher security

Hörmann provides you with several excellent security packages offering graduated further increased security and comfort. For all Comfort versions you can continue to unlock your entrance door with its key.

entrance door finger scanner

Finger print scanner

S-5 Comfort Scan opens your door with a finger scanner. You and your family no longer require keys. You can also operate your Hörmann garage door with this technology.

Automatic locking – comfortable opening

The S-5 Comfort security packages feature an automatic lock that locks the door securely when closed. This makes it impenetrable to burglars. When opening via one of the control element options (internal push button, hand transmitter, etc.) a built-in motor releases the lock and the door can be effortlessly opened. Of course, you can still continue to unlock your entrance door with its key.

Remote opening and locking features from Hormann

Push button opening

With S-5 Comfort, your entrance door can be opened at the push of a button from the interior e.g. via the house intercom. This is especially suited for multi-party residences.

Secure opening with an integrated steel bar

The S-3 S security package includes a steel bar integrated into the lock. This allows you to initially open the door only a crack, preventing strangers from pushing it open all the way. This security package is also available with an automated lock. (S-5 S Automatik) which automatically locks your entrance door when it is pulled shut. The automatic lock is also available without a steel bar (S-5 Automatik).

Hormann Entrance Doors are divided into 4 categories in the range of aluminium doors. Offering thermal insulation, acoustic (sound) insulation, watertight flexible seals around the edges and a range of over 70 different door designs, no taste is left uncatered for.

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