Seceuroglide Roller Door Measuring and Ordering

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Before you specify and order your brand new Seceuroglide insulated roller door it is most important you understand the ordering dimensions for the door and what they refer to. The measurements are important because every Seceuroglide roller door is made to order with no standard sizes at all. You order this door to make the most of your garage opening for now and the future.

The diagram below show all the terminology used for any of the Seceuroglide range of aluminium roller garage doors, manual, basic LT version and the Seceuroglide standard doors with and without hood covers or fascias.

seceuroglide roller door critical dimensions for ordering

The Ordering Width Explained

The Overall Width of a Seceuroglide roller door, including the chosen guide width is also the reference for the Ordering Width and is the Drive Through Width inbetween the guides plus the aluminium guides on each side - which are 75mm each side on a roller door up to 5200mm total width or 90mm each side on a door over 5200mm.
You can also order the 90mm guides as an option for any width of door but always remember to add the guide size width chosen to the size required inbetween the guides for ordering purposes. Most roller doors are installed to the inside face of the garage opening so the garage opening plus the side guides is usually the way these doors are ordered.

Example: a 2250mm wide Drive Through Width means adding a further 150mm using the standard 75mm guides to give an Ordering Width and Overall Width size of 2400mm.
If you were to order the door with the optional 90mm guides then the ordering size would of course then become 2430mm instead (2250 + 90mm x 2)
The Compact version of the Seceuroglide uses 60mm guides either side so add 120mm to the opening width for ordering.

The Ordering Height Explained

The Guide Height is also the reference for the Ordering Size for a Seceuroglide aluminium roller door.
It is the height of the aluminium side guides that the door curtain slides in and is a size reference without the endplates and curtain roll added.

The Total Height is the Guide Height plus the Endplate supports and the roller barrel which is 300mm for a guide height up to 2500mm and 350mm for a guide height over 2500mm with a maximum guide height available of 3500mm (i.e. Total height available is 3850mm including endplates).

Example:  A guide height of 2150mm will have a total height of 2450mm by adding the 300mm endplate size, a door with a guide height of 3150mm will have a total height of 3500mm by adding the 350mm endplate size.

The Drive Through Height refers to the actual height when the door is open fully as there is always 55mm of the bottom slat hanging down into the opening.

Seceuroglide roller door headplate dimensions  
The endplates used in the supporting of the roller door barrel are in 3 sizes as shown in the diagram to the left.

The Compact Seceuroglide roller door is the smallest at 205mm x 205mm but the insulated aluminium slats used for a Compact are smaller and thinner than the standard Seceuroglide doors.
The majority of doors sold will be using the 300mm x 300mm endplate and this is all a dimension above the guide height as used for the ordering height of the door.

The 350mm endplate is only used on roller doors over 3000mm high in the guide height.

The 55mm shown indicates the bottom slat hanging down and is the same for any aluminium roller door of any manufacturer. If you require the full height of your garage opening then always add this 55mm to your calculations when specifcying and ordering.

Installation Position Options

Face fitted internally (Recommended Option)
This option is the usual installation position for any roller garage door giving the maximum width and height whilst keeping the curtain roll neatly inside the garage at all times. The headroom and side room internally are important measurements to consider when ordering for this installation position.
It is also the easiest type of installation to carry out usually.
installation inside the garage opening for a roller door

Inbetween Fitted
This option is fairly common, especially where there is not a brick pier on one or both sides of the opening. Bear in mind however if you install inbetween a garage opening you are usually installing underneath the RSJ or lintel so be careful of you final height measurements calculations. You also need to be very accurate in your measurements when installing inbetween as there is no room for error if the door is too big in width or height.
roller door installed inbetween the opening

Externally Face Fitted
An option which will give you the maximum width, height and length for a garage but be very aware you are seeing the inside of the curtain and a lot of woodgrain laminate finishes are one sided only!!  Also, you will have to order a full hood cover whatever you do and also be wary of having the manual override fitted correctly so it is secure in the application.
seceuroglide fitted externall

View our Measuring Guides, please click on links below:

> Seceuroglide Measuring Guide
> Seceuroglide Compact Measuring Guide
> Seceuroglide LT Measuring Guide

Call us now for any further information about measuring and specifying the right sizes for a Seceuroglide roller door.