- Description
- Application
- Specification
- Installation
- Warranty
- Measure
The Samson Suparolla door is a remote control operated as standard. The roller door is controlled via radio remote control and includes a bulk head light and two transmitters. A safety edge and manual overide are included as standard.
Locking: 70mm steel axle with aluminium locking springs.
Headroom required:
300mm headroom required for the roll and only 75mm or 90mm at each side for the guide rails which enables you to maximise the space available. The Suparolla does not include a roll cover.
Guides are 90mm for doors over 3000mm wide.
The Suparolla is made to measure to the nearest mm.
It is an ideal insulated roller door where a basic specification is only required. The guides are either white or brown and you have no hood cover option so it really is only suitable for installing to the inside face of a garage opening, not outside.
The door has a minimum overall ordering size of 2000mm wide x 2050mm high and a maximum overall size of 4800mm wide x 2500mm high.
Every size inbetween is possible and you specify the door size you require in the 'exact size' boxes after choosing your size range. The ordering is taken as the 'Overall Guide Width' including the 75mm or 90mm guides each side and the 'Overall Guide Height' remembering you have to accomodate the 300mm above this measurement for the curtain roll and the steel endplates supporting the roller door barrel and curtain.
As with all these 'continental' style roller doors the single phase electric motor is a barrel type motor and built into the barrel that the curtain rolls around so is hidden inside. The manual override system is an internal winding system using a 'hook and eye' on a steel rod to turn the motor and gearing in the event of a power failure.
Of course if you do not have a pedestrian door access you will need the 'low level external manual override' system when ordering the door. The motor can be ordered either side of the door (as viewed from inside looking out) and this is the side the manual release will be situated.
Domestic garages up to 4750mm wide and 2500mm high structural opening. For larger sizes see the 'Seceuroglide' range of doors.
The Samson Suparolla is available in 3 Textured Woodgrain Finishes: Mahogany
Golden Oak
New Colours for July 2016:
White Woodgrain
Black Woodgrain (black/brown in colour).
Guide rails are available in white or brown finish, the end plates are mill finish only.
For inbetween fit: Hood required due to roll position. Please call 0800 328 6250
Please Note: The colour of the bottom slat may vary slightly from the rest of the door as it is an extruded aluminium with a flatter, stronger surface incorporating the bottom edge rubber safety sensor.
For further information on the Samson Suparolla roller shutter doors, please click here >
Installation instructions are provided with every door ordered.
Please Note: Important Information when installing the Samson Suparolla Roller Doors.
In the absence of the spring we apply a Suparolla dummy end. This has an adjustable shaft in it. This is designed to be moved so the axle becomes the right size. This is stiff to pull but once its moved it moves freely. This then slots in to the bracket as normal.
For doors which have been supplied with a dummy end, the bearing will no longer be welded to the end. Instead, the bearing will now be located within the accessory box and will need to be installed manually.
To install the bearing, simply slide the bearing ontl the end of the dummy end shaft.
The Samson Suparolla is guaranteed against defect of material workmanship (subject to correct installation, maintenance and operation) for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase.
The motor is covered by a 5 year warranty.
The remote control handset and receiver is covered by a 2 year warranty.
The remainder of the warranty details are available upon request.