The benefits are perhaps not always obvious with an insulated roller door. The insulation is almost a secondary benefit with the other benefits in terms of the strength and slat construction. The obvious benefits are reducing draughts, noise and thermal transmission of either heat or cold to the inside or outside of the building, but also:
- Quieter when operating and when closed in high winds
- Smoother and more robust with the heavier slat weight and design
- Security from the double skinned steel and aluminium slat designs
- Enables high speed motors to be used for high speed operation modes
- Sound insulation Better wind resistance
- Larger sizes - Up to a massive 36 m wide with a centre mullion, 18m wide without.
- Better overall weather protection with curtain sitting far steadier in guides when closed
- Energy saving
- FINALLY - insulation against heat and cold…
Our ever growing range of double skinned, foam filled, insulated roller doors offer a wide range of sizes and colour, but also various motor drive options depending on size and also how many operations per day to expect.
Made to Measure Insulated Roller Doors
All the doors are made to order to the millimetre and you have steel and aluminium options relevant to the environment for use, but also the size and weight.
We offer insulated roller shutters for use as in domestic applications to help with light, heat and security on doors and windows, but also for insulated garage doors and the creation of another room for your home. The insulated commercial and industrial roller shutters offer far greater insulation and we can also provide doors with tested U value ratings if required.
Being double skinned and often around 20 - 25 mm thick it is obvious the slats used are far stronger than single skin slats and the overall benefits are felt once the door is closed. Security, acoustic, weathersealing, curtain rattle and higher speed operations modes are all affected as performance features and vastly improved with any insulated roller door model.
Insulated roller doors will only continue to get better and offer greater benefits to all properties. We recommend you always look at an insulated roller door model as an alternative option to any single skin model, simply because it isn’t just about the insulation properties, it is an all round better door package for the additional costs involved.
Extra Large Roller Doors
If you require a roller door of exceptional size then you will be looking at a double skinned curtain arrangement for the strength and stability required. Teckentrup have these super size roller doors as normal models available to buy up to 18 metres wide, larger with couple unit mechanics.