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5th October 2010

German products for the lowest price?

Lowest Prices Ever

Suprising perhaps to some but the Hormann Industrial sectional and indeed residential sectional garage door range is now one of the lowest priced sectional doors in the U.K. How can this be for a product manufactured in Germany and with the Sterling/Euro exchange rate? The answer is simple - economies of scale. Hormann are one of the largest manufacturers of industrial and domestic doors in the world and the sheer size and manufacturing capacity now means producing doors so efficiently that the price even beats most of the products imported from the U.S.

Do we not have a U.K. contender? - Sadly no, there is not a single sectional door for industrial use produced in the U.K.

For full details and up to the minute prices on any of the vast range of Hormann sectional doors, as well as many other sliding, folding, rolling and high speed doors call Samson now on (0800) 328 6250 or email your enquiry