We offer a wide range of security rated steel doorsets with various test certifications for the relevant requirements. UK and European testings for doors differ and we can generally offer either, with various steel doors manufactured in Germany to the very highest standards and with their very high standards of security ratings. Generally in the UK more and more building projects either domestic or commercial require a 'Secured by Design' status and other levels of testing under LPS1175, PAS24, STS202 and other ratings. A tested and approved security rated steel doorset can offer very high levels of protection and resistance to sustained attacks as well as the high levels of ballistic and explosion resistance. To say a door is a 'security' door is meaningless until you place parameters to the level of security it can offer in any given situation. Many steel doors are on the UK market described as a 'Security Door' but actually offer very little resistance whatsoever to some basic hand tools. Make sure you understand the term 'security' when you are asking for it on your project or building.